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The Tight Spot






The Tight Spot

Is poverty not a disease?

What else would make a man wake up in the morning and spend most of his day in the nearest palm wine joint, drinking and chatting with friends about politics?

What else would make a young man wake up in the morning and spend most of his day in a bet 9ja shop without even remembering that his shirt has been hanging on his shoulder since morning?

What would make a woman go from one deliverance vigil to another all in the name of fighting village people, when the solution to her problems is just for her knees to touch the ground in her private time?

What would make a man criticize those who go to the cinema to watch a movie for #1,500 naira while he sits at home waiting, waiting to buy the pirated version of that same movie for #150 naira?

What would make a woman fry flour mixed with sugar and sell it to us and call it buns?

What else would make a family give out their beloved daughter as a house maid to another family that ends up treating her like animal?

What else would make a family put a tray on the head of a five years old boy and fill it with groundnut, so he can sell to his peers who are returning from school?

What else would make a man see every rich man as a ritualist?

And I ask myself again, how on earth did we contact such dangerous disease? One which has left us struggling with a state of begrudging concussion, completely knocking us out of the consciousness of reality and forcing us to accept defeat instead of advancing...

Who is to be blamed? Is it God? Is it everyday people?... None are to be blamed... you are to be blamed because the choices you made earned you the results you got...

A man who knows where he is going will have to prepare a map for the sake of navigation, but a man who doesn't know where he is going talk less of having a map will have himself and himself alone to blame because all his flimsy excuses will earn him nothing but sepulchral growl most of the days of his life.

Are we willing and ready to be healed of this disease? Then we must stop talking and start acting

Many old folks are trapped in the snare of poverty because of the choices they made in the morning and now the night has come for them... many youths today do not want to end up like their fathers which of cause is a great mind set but unfortunately they are slowly travelling that same old ugly path...

Teenagers gather for the sake of smoking weed and talking about girls and soccer, do you want to do this till you are 80?

Youths have embraced scamming so tightly that it has become a proud job that attracts the ladies; I’m sure you know there is nothing hidden under the sun and peradventure there be anything, it wouldn’t be there for long because its going to melt out. One day when you get arrested (because I know you will be) everything will be taken away from you, no matter the billions you have made and you will have to start from ground zero and I am quite certain you do not want to start from zero when you are 40... make your choices with wisdom

Ladies have a new job known as social media prostitution; nobody is ashamed of going naked, some even have a premium account on Instagram

Ladies spend much of their salary on make up and accessories but they failed to see that men of today want ladies who can draw business plans not eye brows

Was speaking with a teenager who was 16 and she said she was in a serious relationship with a guy and I began to ask myself, what happened to serious relationship with her maths and English

The youths are travelling down the same old path many old folks travelled and ended up miserable... they are travelling down this path in a different pattern and more dangerous and I can see that the end result will be much more devastating than the former...

They said the patterns in our hands are different from one another, this is because our stories are different from one another and for some strange reasons we cannot interpret it in words but with action.

Some people have left their stories and jumped into something entirely different from God’s plan

The thought I have for you are thoughts of good and not of evil; so definitely the story in your hands can never be a tragic story except you create one for yourself...

I will leave you with a question

What do you want the world to know you for? The problems you created or the problems you solved?
