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7 lessons from Wonder Woman


  Wonder Woman | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere


Directed by: Patty Jenkins

Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine

  1. Passion is the spirit of success

Everyone wants to do what they love and succeed... little Diana enjoyed watching the warriors do their training, she was fascinated and eagerly wanted to be a part of the training. Her love for the activity drove her into becoming a great fighter buttered with the fact that she was a special child

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  1. Do not celebrate your success before they happen

It’s not okay to celebrate too early; there are stages to every success, you cannot celebrate when you are half way there until you actually arrive there because there are chances you could still lose.

Diana had the intention of getting the “God Killer” from it’s tower, she makes an incredible jump and grabs unto a stone ledge and gets overly excited and relaxes a little too much and the ledge breaks, sending her down into a gully but she is able to get back her grip in time


  1. Don’t fight determination

Most parents fight the determination spirit of their children in order to get them to do their own will without minding the child’s purpose and opinion.

Queen Hippolyta forbid Diana from training but Diana had a strong determination... she also tried stopping Diana from going to the world but Diana was determined, Queen Hippolyta had no choice than to yield to Diana’s decision


  1. Women are as important as men

In the supreme war council, a gathering of noble men, where women are not allowed to enter, Diana finds her way in there with Steve Trevor but her presence disrupted the meeting. Steve delivered a note book of the German chief chemist Isabel Maru to the supreme council, the note appeared to be in foreign language which no single man in the room could translate except Diana. They had no option than to break the rule by letting her speak amongst the council

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  1. Being a woman is no limitation

The only difference between a man and a woman is gender... Diana seriously wanted to end the war, her fighting spirit was activated when a woman cried to her for help, despite Steve’s warning Diana ventured into “No man’s land”, a dangerous path were gun shells travelled constantly; she broke through enemy line and saved the village... Being a woman is never a limitation

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  1. Success is not achieved too easily

There is a saying that, when solving algebrae and it seems easy then know you’re doing it wrong... when Diana engaged General Ludendorff, at some point I thought to myself, this was too easy to be true. I guess that Diana didn’t see that Ludendorff was too easy a catch, she was to eager to end the war

  1. Love conquers all

This popular saying probably sounds like a cliché to you but it surely does a long way... you could hear Diana saying to Ares “It’s not about what they deserve but what you believe”. And Diana believed humanity deserved Love; she remembered the good time with steve before he died prompting her to spare Maru’s life because she believed in the good.

While Ares was being consumed by jealousy and hate for man, Diana was overwhelmed by Love for Humanity; this love defeated Ares and automatically ending the war

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